Low Price Guarantee
We Guarantee You'll Pay the Lowest Price
Our prices can't be beat. In the unlikely event that within 30 days of your purchase from Wright Furniture & Flooring you find the same item advertised in print for less, bring in the ad and we’ll refund double the difference. Just be sure that the brand and model are identical.
Some restrictions apply. Visit our store for the full details, but here are the major ones:
The ad must be for a store within 30 miles of our own
The ad must have the same delivery, finance, and service terms as the item you purchased from us
Our unequaled low price guarantee does not apply to online offers; when the price includes bonus or free offers, special financing, installation, or rebates; or when the competitor’s offer is for out-of-stock, clearance, limited quantity, while supplies last, doorbuster, or out-of-the-box items