First, let’s start with the cheapest and easiest to accomplish on your own. PAINT! Whether you choose solid colors or opt for a trendy design this is the fastest way to get your home feeling like a brand-new place. 

Another “easier” task that you can manage on your own with the right equipment is refinishing or recoating any hardwood in your home. This can be anything from your floors to cabinets or even stair banisters. Using different contrasts from around your house can make a big impact on your space with little effort. 

Salvaged materials (doors, skylights, doorknobs, insulation)

A fun fact you probably haven’t thought of is that a Light tube or a skylight can actually be cheaper than installing new windows. So if you’re looking to add natural light to your room consider this option. 

Thinking about changing the layout of your kitchen or bathroom? Plumbing will be one of your most expensive remodels. Keeping the kitchen sink and toilet in their place will save you a good chunk of money. If however, your new floor plan requires you to move them, take this as an opportunity to upgrade your pipes, while it won't be cost-effective at the time, you will be grateful in the long run. 


If you are looking for a contractor wait until they want your business. Try not to schedule your renovation during the peak of summer or the beginning of the children’s school year. Not only will it save you a little bit of money, but it will also save you time. During peak season, supplies are in demand, labor is scarce, and shipments will be slower.